Why hire an attorney for your injury case?

  1. Insurance adjusters prey upon the fact that you likely do not understand how claims are handled.
  2. The internet and your friends are not the best source of information for handling your injury case. More often than not, injured people handle their case without an attorney and actually lose money because they do not know what they are doing.
  3. Insurance adjusters often make “take it or leave it” settlement offers early on in your case in order to pressure you into a settlement. The law in North Carolina often gives you two to three years before you have to file a lawsuit in order to preserve your claim. You cannot settle your claim reasonably if you are still hurt and in need of medical treatment.
  4. Do you have medical payments coverage?
  5. Do you have underinsured motorist coverage?
  6. Do you have health insurance?
  7. Are there liens against your case that could cost you money if not handled appropriately?
  8. Is there excess liability coverage available in your case?
  9. Should you use your own health insurance to pay for your treatment? What if the provider refuses to accept your health insurance?
  10. Should you handle the case on your own if you do not know the answers to these questions?

Our law firm has handled car accidents, trucking accidents, wrongful death accidents, and other injury cases since approximately 1950. You will meet with one of our attorneys in person prior to our firm taking your case. Unlike many larger firms, we do not take every case that comes through our door. We only take cases after we have met personally with the client and truly believe that we can assist with their problem. Our consultations are free for injury cases.